About Me

Education: Astrophysics BSc: 1st with honours at Cardiff University. Astrophysics MSc: Distinction at Cardiff University. Astrophysics PhD: Pass at Cardiff University

Research Interests: Investigating how stellar feedback impacts molecular gas and molecular cloud evolution on a range of spatial scales (0.01-1000 pc)

Publications: ADS link to papers


I am currently working on a range of projects to investigate how feedback impacts molecular gas. To do this, I am characterising molecular gas at physical resolutions of 0.01 pc to 100 pc using individual case studies (e.g., G316.75, a high-mass star forming ridge that contains stellar feedback from 2-4 O stars) and large statistical samples of molecular clouds, and molecular gas impacted by feedback (i.e., molecular superbubbles).

All of my work together indicates that when dense gas forms, feedback cannot destroy the molecular gas. On small scales, I find stars continue to form, despite the presence of strong feedback and on the scales of superbubbles, I find that the dense gas is pushed into shells where it can continue to form more stars.


Email: elizabeth.watkins(at)manchester.ac.uk

Address: Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK